ANEG FOUNDATION was founded by Madam Alberta Seyram Adjoa Ananga- Ayitey out of passion and love for humanity and the desire to impact and inspire lives. These are qualities acquired from Ama Nellie Efowota Gonyoe who was her grandmother-she was God fearing, generous, kind, peace loving, a teacher, a motivator and a person who wanted to change, touch and inspire a lot of people for God. The quest to fulfil her desire and the zeal to impact the world gave birth to ANEG FOUNDATION. The vulnerability of children, girls, women and the youth in deprived communities in Ghana and Africa places a challenge on us to have more impact in communities where we find ourselves and beyond by mentoring and nurturing, reaching out to bridge the gaps and give basic education to as many as we can reach. The foundation seeks to help the underprivileged in communities especially children, girls, women, the aged and the youth in order to address the SDGs, specifically goals three, four and thirteen for a better world.


Bridge the gap between underprivileged and productivity. Raise the academic performance of girls in deprived areas through Empowerment. See females and youths become responsible and productive.


To mentor and nurture, educate and provide entrepreneurial skills and address health and nutritional needs of women/girls/youth to become proactive and responsible no matter where they are coming from. Also to showcase enough role models to motivate girls aim for higher heights through teamwork and partnership.


It is our greatest expectation to have you collaborate and support us to rally behind the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially goals number four and which is quality education for all, goal number three- alleviating poverty and goal number 17 -partnership . We expect that as you interact with the community, these girls will in future become useful citizens to serve in your company.

We are pleading you add us to you Corporate Social Responsibility to widen your scope and give us opportunities to have more mentors.

Also, we wish to see you gallant females who are making it through thick and thin become team members to mentor and nurture the girls in diverse ways.

Aneg Foundation seeks to work together to help children, young people and women for wellness, growth and development. PLEASE GET INVOLVED!
