Ensign Global College at the 2022 American Public Health Association Meeting

Ensign Global College proudly hosted a booth at the American Public Health Association (APHA) Meeting and Expo in Boston from November 5-7, 2022. The conference allowed students, faculty, and other public health professionals from the United States and around the world to learn about opportunities at Ensign Global College including earning an MPH degree, hosting students and professional events on campus, and discovering research partnerships.

According to President Stephen Alder, "We were pleased to be able to showcase Ensign Global College at one of the largest public health conferences in the world. Our interactions there demonstrate the world-class nature of our academic work in this field.”

The annual conference brings around 12,000 public health professionals together each year to promote collaboration and engagement efforts among professionals and students. Ensign Global College is preparing to participate in the 2023 APHA conference scheduled for Atlanta, Georgia, USA to continue to promote the multiple opportunities the school has to offer and grow the stature of this academic institution.