The President’s Goodwill Message

The President's Goodwill Message

As we launch into 2023, it is time to reflect on the events of the past year and look to the opportunities in our future. We have had a remarkable year with notable accomplishments from our faculty, staff, students, partners, and friends. We have experienced the challenges of restoring activities and launching new initiatives as we continue to navigate a complex set of world circumstances.

We continue to train leaders who are being prepared to create a future that supports improved health and prosperity. We continue to engage in the scholarship that emphasizes discovering new knowledge and developing innovations that will improve lives.

We continue to build partnerships with organizations and individuals who join with us in our pursuit of better health, greater economic and social opportunities, and increased peace.

As 2023 continues to progress, I send my best wishes for a time of reflection, joy, and gratitude. May we also take this time to reaffirm our commitment to lifting those who need a hand up, encouraging those who may be struggling with the challenges they are facing, and finding the better way to use what we have been given in the service of others. The new year will bring us opportunities to expand our reach through growth in our existing programs, introduce of new activities, and increase the size of the Ensign Global College community.

Please accept Gena’s and my wishes for peace and prosperity throughout 2023.

President Stephen C. Alder